Declaration of pavement characteristics
LVS EN 1338:2003 + AC:2007
The construction products manufactured by Salenieku bloks Ltd and ACB Betons Ltd comply with the common standards LVS EN 1338:2003+AC:2007 and LVS EN 1340:2003, LVS EN 1340:2003/AC:2006.
The ready-mix concrete manufactured by Salenieku bloks Ltd and ACB Betons Ltd comply with the common standards LVS EN 206:2014 and LVS EN 156-1:2009.
LVS EN 1338:2003 + AC:2007
EN 1338:2003, EN 1338:2003/AC:2006
LVS EN 1339:2003 + AC:2007
EN 1339:2003, EN 1339:2003/AC:2006
LVS EN 1340:2003 + AC:2007
EN 1340:2003, EN 1340:2003/AC:2006
LVS EN 1340:2003 + AC:2007
LVS EN 1340:2003 + AC:2007
EN 1340:2003, EN 1340:2003/AC:2006
LVS EN 1340:2003 + AC:2007
LVS 156-1:2009
No 3523/2018